Purpose of school? Career vs character?

The question of what is the purpose of school has been floating around recently and receiving a lot of attention in the field of education. I have been exploring this question in my own mind. 

Currently, I have been reading The road to Character. This book looks at peoples lives that have led fulfilling lives. David Brooks highlights two types of ways people can live their lives. The first being someone who is prone to achievements, needs to accomplish things in order to be happy. This person is career oriented. The second is a person who finds a higher calling or purpose in life. This person is on a journey to create a “wise heart”. However, to do that you have to confront your weaknesses to “cultivate strong character”.

When I think about this question I think of  John F. Kennedy’s famous quote from his inaugural address.  “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” This statement defines the meaning of strong character in person 2. Putting others first. Serving a higher purpose  for a collective good. 

 Today we live in a ME culture. Meaning everyone thinks they are important, special, need to be popular, or an instagram celebrity. They look to success through their career, and not to the higher character which Kennedy eludes to in his speech about sacrifice. 

The question I pose for you is: what do you teach in your district, school, classroom, and life? Do you focus more on your external self (career); or do you focus on your internal self (strong character)

I challenge you to find examples of people no matter what content area or grade level to find examples of high character and infuse those examples into your teaching. Children can not be of strong character if they are never give an example. Be that person.